So here's a testimony from yours truly. I tried Fulvic Acid 3 years ago and it changed my life. I had chronic asthma for the LONGEST time ever since I was little. Inhalers, breathing treatments, back to back pneumonia, always respiratory problems that literally made my daily quality of life so crappy and I also was born with scar tissue on my lungs. The day I tried Fulvic Acid, I was in TEARS. I DID NOT hit my inhaler at all that morning which is so rare for me because usually I'd hit my inhaler 6 to 8 times a day to just freaking breathe. I never ended up using my inhaler again that day 3 years ago. Now, 4 years inhaler free. Yes I still have chronic asthma and yes I still have scar tissues on my lungs but I'm not on ANY medications and can manage my asthma NATURALLY without all the harmyoucuticals, you know, big harm ya. This past year I added Black Seed Oil and that's even a bigger game changer for me. Sometimes I will just all of a sudden have a chronic coughing attack and LITERALLY nothing would help that trigger even Fulvic BUT now, when I feel it coming on, I take a dropper full of it under my tongue, hold for 30 seconds and swallow and BAM that trigger stops automatically. Black Seed is anti spasmodic so any respiratory tightness or suffocating feeling will be entirely eliminated. It's freaking marvelous and Ya'll I seriously cannot live without both of these. 1 bag of Fulvic and Black Seed cost me about $150 a month. That's much better than paying out the ass for inhalers especially when you don't have any health insurance. (Without insurance it would have been 3 thousand dollars for ONE BOTTLE OF METFORMIN) After this last pregnancy about a year ago, I was borderline diabetic and was put on metformin, I was miserable because of the side affects. I stopped taking it after almost a month of being on it. ENDED up detoxing to get that out of my system and introduced the Healing Trilogy and that's helped tremendously to regulate my sugars. Moral of the story, nature can work 100000% better than any chemical made pills. We are so disconnected from our true nutritional source and when you take that giant leap towards REAL health and wellness, you'll never regret it. I promise you. - Alyssa