Fulvic Acid. Where to Start.

Fulvic/Humic Acid - Where to Start.

>First, let's make sure to start with a Therapeutic Quality Fulvic/Humic Acid brand. This one is the one I recommend. There are others and I have tried several of them, but ultimately settled on this brand. *Please do not order off Amazon or any other website unless you have vetted the brand and made sure it is pure Fulvic/Humic Acid and that it does not have preservatives or fillers added. And Please do not order Fulvic Acid fertilizer and use it for internal or external human consumption!

I recommend* always starting with Fulvic Acid Mineral Powder and start with foot soaks for at least a week to see how your body responds.
>> Fulvic/Humic Acid Mineral Powder Foot Soaks and Full Baths.
- Foot Soaks
Add 1/8 tsp scoop of powder to your basin and fill with the hottest (non-chlorinated/filtered) water you can stand.
Soak feet for 25-30+ minutes.
- Full Baths
Add 1/2 tsp into your bath with non-chlorinated/filtered water as hot as you can stand. You want to work up a good sweat.
Soak for 20-30 minutes.
Bring cool water with you to stay hydrated while you soak.
^It's also a good idea to Dry Brush before getting into the bath.
^^When you get out, leave the water to settle for 10-15 minutes then go back and see what, if anything, is floating on the surface. Use a flashlight to see better. ( You will see things like dead shed skin cells, hair, dirt, etc. But some people have reported also seeing parasites and other unidentified matter floating in both their foot soak and bath water.) 
>Start internally with the lowest dose you can. For some people, dipping a dry toothpick into the powder and using that to stir their 16oz glass of water was all they could handle for a week (Read about Herxing here). And they slowly built up from there.
If you are starting internally with the powder, start with 1/64 teaspoon in 16oz of non chlorinated water daily for a week(7 days). If that is too much lower the dose. If you don't feel any effects, up the dose until you are taking 1/8 teaspoon daily.
>If you are starting with the Liquid Drops, start with 1-2 drops in 16oz of water for a week. And increase slowly from there until you have reached the recommended dosage on the bottle.

>>We use Fulvic Acid as our binder while detoxing as well as a daily supplement. It not only chelates heavy metals, molds, yeasts, parasites, etc. It also contains 70+ trace minerals, 70+ electrolytes, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, and flavonoids. It is completely bioavaible, works on a cellular level and even crosses the blood/brain barrier so it is able to reach every part of the body.

Fulvic Acid is very powerful and has the potential to kickstart healing in so many areas of your body. In my experience, Fulvic Acid begins healing in layers.

Below is my  Fulvic Acid testimony: 

My kids and I started taking Fulvic Acid in June of 2021.
I was not sure about it at all. I stalked my friends group for months and kept going back and forth about trying it out.
Then a different friend, someone local to me reached out and asked if I wanted to go half and half on a bag of powder with her. That way we were both only out a little.
So I did. And it's the best choice I ever made.
I had been struggling with PPD, exhaustion, skin issues, horrible hormonal issues including drastic mood changes out of nowhere. I had 0 libido which was the norm for me since my early 20's.
When I got the powder I started with a foot soak. Just 1/16 teaspoon in a big bowl of water for 20 minutes.
I was shocked at the surge of sustainable energy I got out of nowhere. I got up, swept, vacuumed and mopped my whole house and still had enough energy to make an extra "fancy" meal for dinner.
I kept doing the foot soaks for a week and things just kept improving, my mood, my energy, my sleep!
I started taking it internally at that point and started my kids with foot soaks.
After just 3 days my oldest, who had had night terrors 2-4 nights a week since he was an infant, started sleeping through the night!!! His mood during the day improved too. My other 2 were still so little we didn't see much drastic change in them but they definitely sleep much better.
I shed so many parasites it was insane.
My energy levels evened out but they were sustainable and didn't swing from high to low back to high at complete random.
About 3 months in my libido had jumped from 0 - 10. My husband at one point even told me he needed to sleep. Thankfully that has evened out too.
My insomnia improved so much. Now when I fall asleep I stay asleep for much longer periods of time.
I can't imagine not having this wonder dirt in my arsenal.
We also use it in our Med Kit for scratches, rashes, sinus infections and so much more.

*These are my personal recommendations based on personal experience.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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